Turn your ideas into reality, using one simple philosophy.

Innovation is hard. Being creative and productive can mean you’re pulled by opposing forces. The Fewer Better Approach follows proven steps to take the spark of a great idea and build a business plan to validate, communicate and execute.
A little about me...

A former CEO and founder with a successful exit, I bring three decades of experience spanning the games industry, healthcare and fintech. My passion lies in building meaningful solutions that delight, engage and empower their users.

From a garage start-up to a global health app with over 70 million downloads, I've built and led small start-up teams, and also large corporate innovation and development. My journey has been rooted in combining creative thinking with business strategy.

I’ve had the pleasure to work with many talented teams across the world, and been fortunate to learn what works and more importantly what doesn’t. This site aims to share these learnings.
