Creatives Must Embrace Gen AI

25th November '23

When I was studying Industrial Design in 1990, I was at the end of an era that used an A0 drawing table, Steadtler technical drawings pens, and Magic Markers for creating renderings to visualise our ideas and concepts. 3D computer graphics was just taking off with the advent of Apple Macintosh computers, Photoshop and 3D modelling packages like 3D Studio made by the Yost Group, and published by Autodesk.

I was one of the few students who used 3D computer graphics in my 1991 end of year degree show and it was the start of a very interesting career in computer graphics.

From the invention of the printing press to the development of the internet. From DTP (desktop publishing) and CGI (3D Computer Graphics), each step has transformed how we create, distribute, and consume content. Today, we stand at the brink of another revolutionary leap: Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI).

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI refers to the latest generation of artificial intelligence technologies that are capable of generating text, images, or other media, using generative models. Unlike previous AI systems focused mainly on analysis and pattern recognition, Gen AI is about creation. It leverages advanced algorithms to produce original, contextually relevant material, ranging from text and images to music and more.

The Emergence of NLP

A critical component of Gen AI is Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP is a field at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, aimed at enabling computers to understand, interpret, and respond to human language in a valuable and meaningful way. This technology powers chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation services, among other applications. Simply put; it enables humans to use our native tongue to tell an AI model what we want.

Advantages of Gen AI and NLP

Enhanced Creativity and Efficiency: Gen AI tools act as amplifiers of human creativity, offering new ways to generate ideas and content. They can significantly reduce the time and effort required for creative processes, from writing articles to designing graphics.

Accessibility and Democratization: By simplifying complex tasks, Gen AI makes high-level creative work more accessible to a broader audience. It democratizes creativity, allowing any individual, regardless of artistic training to create professional looking content. Whether the content is ‘good’, is the subject for another article.

Personalization at Scale: Gen AI can tailor content to individual preferences on a massive scale, something unimaginable with traditional methods. This personalization extends from marketing campaigns to educational content.

Cross-Disciplinary Innovation: Gen AI fosters innovation by blending different fields. For instance, NLP can analyze vast literary works to inspire new storytelling styles or extract insights from scientific texts.

Language Barriers Reduction: NLP technologies are breaking down language barriers, enabling real-time translation and helping businesses and individuals communicate more effectively across cultures.


Generation AI is a significant milestone in the evolution of creative tools. Its ability to generate new content, combined with the analytical power of NLP, opens up unprecedented opportunities for creativity, communication, and efficiency. As we adapt and integrate these tools into various domains, it is essential to approach them with a balance of enthusiasm and ethical consideration.

Gen AI has surpassed the need for some traditional creative skills, but it doesn’t (yet) subvert the need for artist and cultural knowledge and understanding. Much like the advent of the Mac and Photoshop, as creatives we should embrace these new tools and utilize their abilities to generate high quality content quickly and easily.

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