Turn Ideas into Reality: Get started Today!

14th December '23

Do you have an idea or project that keeps going around in your head, but you never seem to manage to get around to actually spending time on it? Well join the majority. Most people struggle with getting started on a new personal project. The challenge of taking the first step, or putting pen to paper, in our modern world is ever increasingly difficult. In reality it equates to closing down distracting apps, putting your phone on silent and focusing on the most important task first.

"Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves." – Dale Carnegie

Overcoming procrastination, especially when starting a new project, is a common challenge. Here's some suggestions to help you manage your time better and tackle procrastination:

1. Clarify Your Vision:

Why is this idea important to you? If you deeply understand why you want to pursue this, it'll be easier to motivate yourself. Write down the reasons and keep them visible.

2. Break It Down:

Dissect your idea into smaller tasks or components. Large projects can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination. However, breaking it down into smaller, manageable tasks can make it less daunting.

3. Prioritize Tasks:

Use techniques like the Eisenhower Box to determine what tasks are urgent and important.

4. Establish a Routine:

Dedicate specific blocks of time in your day to your project. For instance, you could decide to work on it every day from 8 AM to 9 AM.

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” ― Pablo Picasso

5. Use Techniques to Combat Procrastination:

  1. Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break.

  2. Two-Minute Rule: If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.

  3. Eat That Frog: Tackle the most challenging task first thing in the day.

6. Accountability:

Share your goals with someone you trust, or consider finding a mentor or partner. Knowing that someone else is aware of your goals can motivate you to keep moving forward.

7. Visualize Success:

Take a few moments daily to visualize the successful completion of your project. This can motivate and reinforce your purpose.

8. Stay Inspired:

Read books, listen to podcasts, or watch videos related to your project or about overcoming procrastination. Surrounding yourself with inspiration can help maintain momentum.

9. Reward Yourself:

Celebrate small victories. When you achieve a milestone, give yourself a treat or a break.

10. Seek External Support:

Consider joining a group, class, or workshop related to your idea. The commitment can push you forward, and feedback from others can be invaluable. Or try a mentor, someone who can be a sounding board and keep you on track with your commitments.

Remember, it's okay to seek help when needed. Sometimes, talking to someone or getting a fresh perspective can reignite the spark and provide clarity on the next steps.

Enjoy the journey!

And finally, enjoy the journey. Understand that progress, no matter how slow, is still progress. At the end of the day, celebrate the progress you’ve made so you can sleep well and be rested for the next day.

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